Some Consultation Questions about our Services
Every year brings new challenges in the music service industry but some consultation questions from potential clients and clients have remained constant during the more than 15 years we at Boogie Shoes DJ & Karaoke Services have been in business. From questions about our karaoke rentals to Vancouver DJ and karaoke setups, here are three that seem to surface every year.
Invariably someone every year wants to know if we can do a DJ or Karaoke setup early on the day of their event and then come back later to do the event. As much as I would like to say a blanket yes to that question, here are some factors that pose distinct challenges to doing an early setup.
One of the most worrisome about doing an early setup is who will monitor the safety of the equipment? Whether it is a restaurant, hotel or just about any location, venues are not in the slightest, interested in having their staff look after a music service vendor’s equipment. With thousands of dollars in equipment not being monitored, it is easy for a vendor to lose some expensive and crucial equipment to theft.
Another challenge is time. To go to a venue early, setup and then come back again is a lot of extra time spent at an event without remuneration. Often, a music service company has a number of events going the same day with different DJs and different locations. Sometimes extra DJs are needed to help setup a larger event and pulling them off the event, who has paid for their extra time and labor, is just not feasible. Add to that the cost of going to venue, parking, setting up, going somewhere or back home to kill time and then travelling back again for the event…you can see it as an added expense.
So, the short answer to a question of coming earl is “Yes it can be done but there will be an added cost to do so.”
Another question that seems to pop up at least a couple times a year concerns our karaoke rental service. Every once in awhile the question asked is “Can I pick up the rental karaoke machine a day early or can I return it a day later?” What they really are saying is can I do that and not pay extra. Well, no you can’t. Just as in a car rental, it is a daily rental fee. If taken for two nights, then a two day rental applies. Maybe I am missing something but I don’t know where I can take a rental of anything for two days and pay for one day. Here again, the answer is “Yes, you can take the rental a day earlier or return it a day later, if it is available, but extra charges will apply.
Rental services often seem to have a lot of extra service questions and delivery, and possibly setup, of the rental karaoke machines is another enquiry that seems to come up quite a bit. Delivery is not a problem but as with all extra services, there is an extra price to pay. I would assume someone is asking this because they don’t want to spend time driving in traffic to my location, picking up and putting the machine in their car, driving back and parking at their venue location, setting it up, tearing down the next day and driving back to my location to drop it off. As a DJ, I am always happy to do delivery for an extra hefty fee if I am going to do the additional labor. The karaoke rentals were intended to be a do it yourself, cheaper way to have a karaoke night. If you add more service the price gets driven up.
There you have it, three questions I answer in consultation of our services on a regular basis. I hope the answers are helpful and reveal more explanation on the thought behind our policies.